John Taylor Wagner

John Taylor Wagner (b. 1985. Maitland, Florida) lives and works in Los Angeles, CA. Growing up throughout the United States, Wagner turned to drawing and painting to navigate his peripatetic lifestyle. While he often found his local natural environments as a colorful muse, he found himself most drawn to using visual art as a way to communicate his understanding of humanity amidst constant change throughout his life. 


Painting is my heartfelt response to the personal and collective challenges of our existence. My paintings blend figurative and abstract elements, drawing inspiration from real-world imagery and my imagination. I explore how color, shapes, and different techniques communicate with one another to evoke diverse atmospheres within a single composition. Painting is an emotional response to something I see, and requires deeper questioning. My work is inspired by one of life's primary challenges; preserving our innocence in the face of societal demands. The paintings materialize from both reverence and restlessness, expressing the contradictions of the human experience often from an autobiographical perspective.




